<h2 style="margin: 10pt 0in 0pt"><font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#990000">How to Use Color in a Bedroom</font></h2><p><span style="line-height: 200%; font-family: ‘Verdana’,’sans-serif’; letter-spacing: 1pt; font-size: 10pt">Are you intimidated by using color in decorating your bedroom?<span>  </span>Do you dread the idea of painting the room a color that you end up hating more than the idea of staring at stark, white walls for the rest of your life?<span>  </span>You are not alone out there.<span>  </span>Most people are apprehensive when it comes to using color in their decorating, more so when it comes to painting their bedrooms.</span></p><span style="line-height: 200%; font-family: ‘Verdana’,’sans-serif’; letter-spacing: 1pt; font-size: 10pt"><p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">Color is the most important aspect of home decor and it is particularly important to use proper choice in color in the bedroom.<span>  </span>The proper choice can either make the room cheerful and warm or dismal and cold.<span>  </span>It can be soft and soothing or loud enough to jar you out of your slumber.<span>  </span>Used correctly, color can make a pleasant statement of style and turn your bedroom into a tranquil haven. </p>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">When decorating your home, you should choose certain colors that you like and are complimentary on the color wheel.<span>  </span>Choose two or three colors and run with them throughout the house.<span>  </span>The colors that you choose should be those that you have always liked.<span>  </span>Stay away from trends.<span>  </span>Pick colors that you like, not ones that are "in style."</p>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">Deciding on painting the bedroom a glaring red could be a complete disaster. Red is one of the most energetic colors. It brightens up your mood, enhances your energy and dares you to do the impossible. With a red that is painted red, sleep may be something you’ll have to do in another room. Tone the colors down in your bedroom.<span>  </span>Bedrooms should be peaceful and relaxing.<span>  </span>Paint the walls in tranquil, soothing pastel shades.<span>  </span>If you absolutely must, you could incorporate a bit of red in your bedroom, in the form of a <a href="http://www.houseofarearugs.com/Red-Rugs-p-1-c-37.html" target="_blank">red area rug</a>. </p><p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal"> </p><div style="text-align: center"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="425" height="282"><param name="movie" value="../images/banners/10b.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="wmode" value="" /><embed src="../images/banners/10b.swf" wmode="" quality="high" menu="false" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="282"></embed></object></div>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">You can also use the old designing trick of painting just one wall in your bedroom a dark color.<span>  </span>This is a good idea if you are using dark, primary colors in your d<span style="font-family: ‘Times’,’serif’">י</span>cor.<span>  </span>If you want to paint the entire room, make sure that you use the following tips:</p>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">Cool colors are more tranquil.<span>  </span>Pastels in light blue, green or some mixture of both will make your bedroom appear soothing and calm.<span>  </span>It is best not to go too cool, however, because that can also make the room look cold. </p>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">As opposed to hot colors such as red, which are energetic; warm colors such as yellows and oranges are more inviting.<span>  </span>They make the room feel more pleasant and they say "come on in".<span>  </span>Studies also indicate that people feel colder in rooms that are painted in cool tones and warmer in those painted in yellow and red tones, even if the rooms are exactly the same temperature. </p>  <p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal">Using both cool and warm colors in your bedroom can make the room look inviting yet peaceful.<span>  </span>Use cooler colors on the walls and warmer colors on the bedclothes, draperies and <a href="http://www.houseofarearugs.com" target="_blank">area rugs</a>. </p>  <p><span style="line-height: 200%; font-family: ‘Verdana’,’sans-serif’; letter-spacing: 1pt; font-size: 10pt">Decorating with color in your bedroom is not difficult.<span>  </span>It can be done with ease and make your bedroom look alive and warm, but still give it an aura of tranquility.</span></p></span>